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Flower Shop: Winter In Fairbrook Keygen For Windows 10

Updated: Apr 1, 2020

About This Game The Flower Shop: Winter In Fairbrook is a dating and farming simulation game and takes place after the first Flower Shop game, Summer In Fairbrook.Play as Natalie this time, and meet some of the characters of the first game like Clara, Susana, Steve, Trent, Jacob plus a "new entry": Ryan, who runs the general store of the town.Natalie has barely survived her first semester in college, and all she wants is a break. However, her parents insist that she start acting like a responsible adult and get a job during her school's winter break.In no time at all, Natalie's roommate sets her up with a job, and she's shipped off to the town of Fairbrook for a mundane job in a flower shop. What's a poor, tired student to do?You can plan your weeks and who you spend time with using the weekly scheduler. Customize each week, spend time with who you like, or ignore everyone and work all day. Don't forget to take a break once in a while, or your health will suffer.Take control of Natalie as she spends winter in Fairbrook raising flowers, making friends, and maybe even finding love!FEATURESMix between dating sim with farming sim gameplayRaise your flowers and sell them at the marketPlan how you spend your time with the weekly schedulerRelationship system: each character has a relationship value that affects gameplayHigh replayability: normal and special ending for a total of 9 different endings! 6d5b4406ea Title: Flower Shop: Winter In FairbrookGenre: Adventure, Casual, SimulationDeveloper:Winter WolvesPublisher:Winter WolvesRelease Date: 23 Nov, 2011 Flower Shop: Winter In Fairbrook Keygen For Windows 10 flower shop winter in fairbrook. игра the flower shop winter in fairbrook. the flower shop winter in fairbrook скачать на русском полная версия. the flower shop winter in fairbrook download. the flower shop winter in fairbrook free full download. the flower shop winter in fairbrook walkthrough. the flower shop winter in fairbrook скачать. flower shop winter in fairbrook walkthrough. the flower shop winter in fairbrook free download. the flower shop winter in fairbrook apk. the flower shop winter in fairbrook. the flower shop 2 winter in fairbrook For a game rated PG, it's great. The game is very quick and simple. All the characters are decent and if you know what you're doing, you can finish a character route within an hour or so. It's a good visual novel with lovely music and no noticable grammatical errors in the text. My only complaint will be that the drama was kept tamed and that nothing really surprised me. So I would recommend this game to anyone whio is new to the otome general or anyone who wants a very casual otome game.. The fact that all boys' stories are relatively interconnected and you need to interract with at least some of them to get the required stats for the one you are going for means that you will have seen all of their dialogues multiple times by the time you are through with all branches of the story. That is, unlike well-thought out otome, where you do not get to know other characters when you are going for one - or where their dialogue changes depending on which branch of the story you are on, here the entire dialogues remain the same save for the endings. This makes for a pretty boring experience, which is unfortunate, because this is a cute little game. I only recommend you get this if you find it at a great sales price, otherwise I do not see it as value for what you get. Once you have seen it once, it becomes not only repetitive, but it is also short (ignore my playtime, I idled a lot with this game).. My feelings on this game are kind of mixed. I feel like it could have been so much better but I still love what it has.I've played many visual novels and dating sims mainly otomes of varing qualities and backgrounds, and I always enjoyed them for something. I'm gonna go right off in saying that the biggest isses with this game is it's length and difficulty.It felt way too easy. -The gardening simulation was okay but besides for getting the special endings it didn't give me any insentive to keep going once I got my goal. It's supposed to one of the big parts of the game but ends up being optional. I think this could easily be improved by adding more things to buy or atleast need money for, a higher goal for special ends and some sort of noticable punishment for not working. -Getting the guys is another thing that felt too easy. Instead of getting hints or what not for the guys, you litterally get straight up told what stats you need to make them fall for you. It's not even sutble, they say exact stats names.another thing is there really should have been atleast one more ending per guy, and by that I mean a bad ending, so their endings wouldn't be that easy to do, mainly the special ending, which is another big problem. the "best" ending really should be harder to get, and for some characters be better than the normal endings.It needed more to it.-For the guys, you either get to know them way faster than you should, or by the end you only seem to have gotten the very surface layer of them. It gives the impresstion that it was a bit rushed. Like characters who were well written out had to get their story squeezed in a much smaller amount of time, and others who weren't fully developed having to have their stories artifically stretched. While saying this I did enjoyed all the characters, but the attachment to them wasn't really there due to the rushed or shollow feeling. -The story was good, the characters were wonderful but it was far too short. When I finished all the endings all I wanted to do was keep playing, I still do, I want there to be more for me to do. each guy took maybe an hour or two to finish completely, maybe 3 if it takes you a bit to figure out what to say. This is rather short for a game of this genre.Now to improve these things the simple solution would be to extend the story. Add more weeks or instead of planing each week, you plan each day. or simplely adding more endings, like friendship endings for the girls and guys, bad endings. Things like this can really add an hour or so of gameplay.- Now that we're past these issues, now to my more positive thoughts.To start with the art is really top notch, would have been nice to have a few more CGs but moore wasn't nessasary.The Interface is simple but it was more than enough for a dating sim.The main character starts off not to likeable but by the end you'll deffiantly like her. She goes through a reasonable yet still drastic change, going from childish and bratty to more thoughtful of others and mature. The differant guys make these changes more sutdle or more drastic.The other characters do go through some changes themselves that you help with, again not too great to be unrealistic but even something as simple as helping to see things a bit differantly. they do seem to evolve some in the course of the game.The story is not really complex, you're a spoiled college girl going to a small town to work for winterbreak cause your parents are making you. It felt natural, and flowed well enough. again i wish it was longer, it would have really profited from even a slightly extended story.Besides for technical issues, I must say that this is one of my favorite otomes, specially here on steam. If it wasn't for my dislike of playing male characters, I would most certainly try Spring in Fairbrook, aswell. If you're new to dating sims or your still not sure about this game, get it when it's on sale and give it a go.As for the others who are still intrested, I can't really say if it's worth paying full price. If you like other Winter Wolves titles and\/ or you'r fine with splurging a bit, then go for it.. Much like Summer in Fairbrook, I bought this game on sale, and yet still find it difficult to recommend to anyone, other than those firmly commited to the genre.And much like it's predecessor, Winter in Fairbrook leaves much to be desired.To say the game is bad would be like saying a small piece of chocolate cake is bad (assuming that you enjoy chocolate cake). It's still cake, it's still good, but it is grossly unsatisfying.The writing leaves much to be desired. Very much like Steve in the previous game, Natalie is a vapid, ignorant, immature, petulant, and lazy girl, who is instructed by her parents to find a job over the holidays, in the hopes of teaching her some discipline (They had already cancelled her cellphone due to bad grades, and are now threatening to take her new car away). Luckily, her room-mate just happens to be Clara from the previous game, and she sets Natalie up with Susana to work in the flower shop. Natalie must leave first thing in the morning to arrive in Fairbrook to start work the next day, but instead of packing and sleeping, she spends all night playing online games. That is our first introduction to this character, and I must say, it did not leave me wanting to spend the entire winter break with her.When she arrives in Fairbrook she thinks it's a small, dull town, and rightly so. She sleeps the day away, and then proceeds very rudely reject the dinner that was cooked for her (and continues to do so for a few weeks) and sleep in until 11 am the next day, even after being woken up by Susana at 8 am... after doing the only task asked of her, she then wanders off to check out the general store, thinking to herself that she "wasn't told [she] needed to come right back.... once again, I am left wondering why I should care about this spoiled wretch.She improves as time goes on, of course, but I still never really cared for her at all. The choices that you get to make in the game are fairly limited. Just like it's predecessor, you start your day working in your garden. You then get to do one activity for the whole day, be it going to the store, the library, or just staying in.. there were around 5 options if I recall correctly. Every so often you would get a cut scene with one of the bachelors, and you would get to make a single choice in the entire discussion, and the rest of it was merely her awkward verbal diarrhea.As for the bachelors... well.... what can I say...Steve is still Steve, if you've played the previous game then you already know everything there is to know about him. He's slightly less lazy than before, but otherwise he's pretty much just a male version of Natalie (or she a female version of him).Jacob is sweet, charming, helpful, and shy.. oh, and he's SEVENTEEN!!! Yes, you read that right.. one of this College girl's potential mates is still in Highschool...... yeah. Add to that the fact that she thinks he looks like a twelve year old, and you've got a real winner.Trent is still trent. He's sweet, charming, attractive, and playful. Oh, and in love with someone else... just like, well, pretty much all the guys really.And Ryan, well, there's nothing that I can say about him that wouldn't sound completely biased, but I'll try. To say he's adorkable would not be giving him enough credit, though he does resemble that at times. He's intellegent, well-spoken, hard-working, reliable, cultured, and a bit of a virtuoso.... I mean, is there anything he isn't? He's also the only guy who isn't already mostly spoken for, so that's another plus for him... the only problem is, in reality, there is no way he would go for someone like Natalie... and quite frankly, most of the time it seemed like he hated her, or at the very least found her highly irritating.The good:- Art work is relatively cute- Writing is decent- Gardening mini-game is amusing- The bachelors are charmingThe bad:- The music is repetitive, and though not inharently bad, certainly grates on you after a time.- The writing is lacking in quite a few places- The gardening mini-game is much more out of place in this incarnation than in the previous title.TL;DRThis game is not really worth your time or money, even on sale. It's decent, and if you really like the genre then I won't think any less of you for buying it.Just keep in mind that even though it says I've got 12 hours played, about 80% of that was spent leaving the game open for Trading Cards. I think it took me roughly 2 hours to get 3 of the endings.. The graphics are great and the characthers were not boring. I liked the gardening system to earn money. This one is different as in that you have to get stats from two of the guys to get with one of them. I don't understand why the special ending has to do with money but whatever floats the maker's boats. It was enjoyable.. 12\/10 will end up alone again for trying to pick what I would say in different situations.. I was able to play through the entire game in about an hour, the only choices are ones that lead to either an increase in a particular character's opinion of you or a decrease. There is only one event that happens in the whole game. You can spend your time working gardening, but there's no point, since there is literally nothing to buy except for more seeds. I bought it on sale, and I am still hugely dissapointed. Adorable! This game is engaging and all of the characters are interesting. I don't want to ruin any surprises - but trust me, if you enjoy a dating simulator set up VN style you do not want to miss this game.. When I started this game, I thought it would be terrible. I was disappointed with another game of Winter Wolves, Nicole, and think it was on the same line, so I just opened to get my achievements. Then, for my surprise I got involved with the game.It is not a deep game, but it's pretty cool to spend time. I found myself involved in the route of Ryan, and I was happy to see Natalie's maturity. At first I hated her, thinking she would be the same as Nicole, but she was growing up during the game, and I liked the result. Another thing I think that was really cool: the protagonist of the previous game appear as a romance option (I had hated him the other game, but in this, his route was one of my favorites). The music is very soft and cool, the system of planting too, and in this game, different from the first, you really have a reason in order to plant and save money, if you do this you get a better ending.Another really cool thing is the game of the graph. The characters are very well made and the backgrounds are nice.It is an easy game, simple, small and cool. I have nothing to complain about it (Just the fact of being small and without much depth, but I still really enjoyed it, for me it was not something that affected much).

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